Wednesday Thoughts💭

3 min readNov 3, 2021

Hey all! I have some random thoughts in mind and just to share with you all:)

[Season to hike ⛰]
The weather in hk right now is perfect for hiking, a bit windy 🌬and sunny☀️
It is also a great activity to do with your friends and family 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦. There are many easy trails and difficult ones too, so you can easily find one that suits you!
It is great to explore nature 🌿 and walk around after a hectic week of school. It becomes my motivation to work hard during the weekdays too as my goal is to hike once a week hahah ✨

stay tuned for another post about the hikes i did recently!

[Building the habit of yoga every day]
People say that habits are difficult to build. It is, at the beginning.
Since I don’t want to heavily rely on coffee and drink it right after i wake up, I tried to do sth before having my ☕️. And I chose yoga/ stretching 🧘🏻‍♀️
It wasn’t an easy task for me, i don’t like stretching and i am very Inflexible. But in the beginning, i followed youtube videos (yoga with Adriene) and just slowly grinding through it.
My body become used to the routine, and now very morning, i will grab my yoga mat, follow a yoga video or do my own thing and get my day started🌱

It took 21 days for us to build a habit. — The Power of Habit

If you want to build a habit, make a plan for 21 days and stick with it. Your body will become used to it and do it automatically later on! Keep yourself accountable, you can find a friend 👯‍♂️ to do it together, set a reminder 📝 ….

[Performance are not always linear]
Meaning that there will be ups and downs 📈 in the progress. This applies to many things, productivity level, strength performance in weightlifting, and even some weird ones, like my attempt to limit screen time 📵
Let me explain a bit, another goal of mine is to limit my phone usage, especially on social media.
I set a daily limit ⏳on my phone. It worked for the first month, my overall usage went down from 5 -6 hours per day (i know it is a lot….) to ~ 3 hours, which is a huge improvement. But this month, my usage didn’t decrease. Even worse? It is more than before setting the limit.
So this month? other than setting daily limits, i will stop myself from charging my phone beside the bed. I found i like to scroll my phone endlessly on my bed

Just want to share that your progress to anywhere is not always linear, there may be other reasons hindering your movement if there is a standstill. So it is very important to identify those issues and change other methods rather than give up.

[A relationship tip from my sister]

You have to tell her what you want rather than letting her guess 🗣

This is very straightforward, right? But most of us didn’t do it. Maybe we expect they will know it, maybe it is too embarrassing or naive to say it out. I was too embarrassed to say what i want, it made me sound like a primary student loll 🥶
But how come she will know unless you tell her? Even she is close to you, she is not your brain 🧠, she doesn’t know what you think.
NOW, I will just tell her whatever I think rather than letting her guess, and our relationship did improve.
PS I told her I want to spend more time with her, and now we have meals once a week to chat and catch up 😍



