Thoughts on Hiking

2 min readFeb 6, 2022

No of covid-19 infections surges since last week and reached the highest yesterday (>300 people), meaning that the restrictions will keep lifting for a while☹️

You all know gym is my happy place, it is a way to relieve stress and enjoy some alone time. But right now, the gym is closed till we don’t know when, I also stayed home longer than before (restrictions, zoom class…). I have find another way to relax — HIKING⛰. I hike way more than I used to, 2–3 times a week now (or when I feel like it lol). And it is interesting to notice how my attitude changed.

3–4 months ago when I was still a hiking newbie👶🏻, I usually just follow my friends, and have no preference which trail to hike

As I hike more, I look forward to different hikes or trails. Like right now, I am really exciting to do Wilson trail section 8–10 soon (Cloudy hill — Pek Sin Leng), it is my first time to finish one of the Hong Kong loongest trails! However the weather now is gloomy and cloudy, and I wish to hike on a sunny day so i can fully immersed to the view. It is a difficult one so i am making sure the view is fantastic 😉

Now I will also plan my own hikes, and I have some exciting plans going on — wanting to do MacLehose Trail, Lantau trails, and some Sai Kung Peaks. Oh and camping as well! ⛺️

This never happened before. I guess as I hike more, I slowly find the fun inside it other than just thinking it as a way to escape my busy lifeee.

One more thing to feel proud of is that I persuade my sister to hike with me. We went to High Junk Peak in Sai Kung, she nailed it and found very satisfying after seeing the view. 😊

There is this one thing didnt change — I feel so GoOd after every hike. You always discovered something new and unexpected, for example a small waterfall, or the sun came out of nowhere ☀️ and that makes me feel EXciTIng. Being in nature give me a chance to detox too, and come back with a fresh mind. It is important for my mental health

Looking forward to the next hike so I can get some fresh air and keep going on with my life. Lets survive the 5th wave AGaiN.



