How I Use Notion to Organize my Notes

4 min readJun 22, 2022

Notion, a very handy organization app, that can serve as a calendar, notebook, journal and more. But not gonna lie, I ***almost gave up using it as I am not used to using it. It is so different from One Note, Evernote etc. I spent some time watching different Notion tutorial videos and tried various templates before finding a way that suits me most. So I want to first share how I organize book notes and online information.

🔺 Useful beginner guide on Notion

I recommend watching these videos or websites before moving on, the guides and videos include the most basic functions in Notion.

The following videos are about linked databases (a very important element to know before moving on), which I use a lot when organizing notes.

🔺 How I organize with Notion


Video on how I take book notes👇

More on How I take book notes 👇

This is the home page once you enter the book notes page. I used the template from Ali Abdaal’s and modified it.

I wanted to keep track of books I reviewed and posted on my blog so I linked a database from simplenglow aka my blog (circled in red in the illustration).

I take notes when reading non-fiction, so I only have the non-friction book template which is shown below.

  • “❓How it helps me?” is a “cheat sheet” before reading. If I have some specific goals in mind (see the illustration below) when reading a book, I will write them here. As I am reading, I will focus more on those topics, and type something I found useful.

Other resources

Video on how I take online notes 👇

More on How I take online notes 👇

This is the homepage.

  • “Waiting to read” are the articles I have not read. I linked the database from “Resources” and filtered the non-read articles
  • “Resources” is where I store all the sources. I use the web clipper function that can add the articles online to Notion directly For podcasts and others, I will make a new page and type the notes directly. I also categorize them into different genres, mostly the topics that I am interested in: business, health, psychology etc. (as shown below)
  • Knowledge database” is where all the magic happens! I compile all the related content from “Resources” page and “Talks and seminars” page. I will summarize the topic in my own words, then they will shown as cards (I used the board view) So whenever I want to revisit the cards, I will have a comprehensive summary rather than articles flattering everywhere. It serves as my second brain. I linked to 3 databases
  1. Talks and seminars,
  2. Sources (aka resource page)

These two are found in the “Note-taking” Page, that records where I found the information.

3. Blog from “simplenglow” page as I want to know whether I refer to the information in this card to write a blog or not.

The following illustration is one of the ‘card’ in the knowledge database.

The video is an example of how I organized an article I saw online.

I really like how much Notion can do. How about you? Give me a like if you want my notion templates!



